Saturday, September 1, 2018

Crazy week

In a crazy one week, the whole experience that had been good got overturned on its head by a few people that conspired to mess an otherwise enjoyable feel and stay.

Loosing some items right at the start of  week changing the church going plans and making stops at some posts more sensible. The truthfulness in statements making them sound absurd as the chase for answers started.

Barely two stones turned on the first and a second necessitated by an action mos likey from the actors from the first. Almost sounding like a script from netflix which could no longer be enjoyed, only relevant thing left being the account which most likely the actors brains wouldn’t understand.

The beauty of credit cards which was clear on property acquisition blending with its risks in a space of a few weeks.

A added strain felt immediately as the budget was already tight due to some ambitious development plan. But not being new to strain there was hope that this as well wouldn’t last long. But that wasn’t the case in the first 24 hours, it’s something that grew as time went by, inversely proportinal to time.

The banana republic raising some not so positive feelings across the borders.